Thursday, March 4, 2010

Crisis on two earths

K lets start off with the fact that there's a ton of new voice actors for this flick and I gotta say i'm really let down. Batman and Superman's voice actors were just painful both Mark Harmon and William Baldwin just left me flat with there performances. These two characters already had amazing voice actors that would have been perfect for these roles and to remove them seemed a massive waste.

The story was rather painful considering the source material. The story stems from the comic JLA: earth 2 which is a pretty good read if you haven't picked it up yet. Sadly this books doesn't really cover some of the great idea's covered in the book. For example in JLA the owlman character is the brother of Bruce Wayne as Bruce and his mother died in the incident that created batman but Bruce's father Thomas survived and his son Thomas jr. blaming his father for his mother and brother's death creates the owlman character.

Sadly the movie doesn't touch on most of the back story of these great villains so instead we focus on owlman being a psychopath who wants to destroy the multiverse. With Superwoman played by the always amazing Gina Torrez as his evil love interest. She comes off as very odd and not really fitting for this movie and i really feel like they just kinda shoved in the other characters to make cameos.

The only real saving grace was the always entertaining James Woods playing the nutty owlman. His quiet yet cocky and completely insane attitude save this from being yet another throw away animated movie. I did have some fun with the Martian Manhunters story line in this as it seemed to be completely pointless but still fun in a weird way.

Long and short this movie is alright if you haven't read the comic but I would recommend the justice league unlimited episodes that cover this story line as they do a much better job and we get the same wonderful voice actors we all know and love.

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